Ways to Support

Hope Rural School is dependent on the contributions of individuals, foundations, scholarships and organizations to meet the annual operating budget.
Any contribution you could make to Hope Rural School would be profoundly appreciated. Your support makes it possible for us to provide much-needed educational opportunities to a disadvantaged community, ultimately helping many families to break free from the cycle of poverty. Through your support, you can make our mission your own.
Ways to support Hope Rural School:
Wish List
- Donations towards dirt and sod for the courtyard
- Donations for replacing appliances in the school kitchen
- Donations towards replacing classroom windows with impact windows that open and shut easily
- Donations towards licenses for our technology program
- Donations for updates for individual student chromebooks
Newsletter Appeal / Monthly Donations
Contributes to the day-to-day expenses and operating costs
Memorial Gifts
Donations made in memory of a loved one can be a very meaningful way of insuring that the goodness of the deceased person will live on.
Many friends have found comfort during times of bereavement by requesting that donations be made to Hope Rural School in lieu of flowers.
Your loved one’s name will be inscribed in our Hope Prayer Circle and will be remembered in our school’s daily prayers and a Mass offered every Tuesday at Holy Cross Church, Indiantown.
Please include in the obituary, “Donations in lieu of flowers can be made to Hope Rural School, 15929 SW 150th Street, Indiantown, FL 34956.” We will acknowledge all gifts to the donors and will furnish you with a list of donors and the total amount contributed to the fund.
Remembrance Gifts
Tribute gifts in honor of birthdays, anniversaries, retirement, birth of a child or other meaningful events is a thoughtful and life-giving way to continue the mission work of Hope Rural School.
Remember Hope Rural School in your Will
Through careful planning, you can leave a lasting memorial to family and friends who have been such an important part of your life. Your will is also a way for you to remember those charities and organizations close to your heart. Your bequest to Hope Rural, creating a tribute for a lifetime, will help us to continue our mission.